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Got a website or blog you own or are related to? Then put it here to let others know about it.
Device History:
Got a long list of devices that you own or have owned through your PDA / Smart Phone history? List them here if you would like to show off what you have and/or had. Put each item on a separate line or separate them by commas. No HTML allowed.
Type of Mobile User:
Hardcore convergence - I get as much done on one device as possible
Big kid - I like to play with a new device as soon as I can get a new device.
Business - I use this device for work, work and more work.
Casual - I like what ever catches my eye and fits my budget.
Trendy - Whatever device is used by Hollywood, is my next one.
Techie - I use my device to txt in l33t speak and for hacking it.
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Its been a long time...
Blackberry is now an option
Why I stayed Symbian
Windows Phone better for Nokia?, I think not....
Symbian surprises...Pixelpipe
Droid 2 vs N97
Droid X vs My Nokia N97
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by Dr. Radut